Thursday, April 24, 2008

Letter to an Evolutionist

Note: the premise for this essay is that it was to be written in the form of a letter to an evolutionist friend of ours.

What up Ben!

Hey dude, it was totally awesome to run into you at the mall the other day! I had no idea that you had transferred to Montana State! We have got to get together and Halo over Thanksgiving vacation. I would definitely be stoked to come down and check out Bozeman.

So yeah, I’ve been thinking about the whole evolution versus creation deal a lot since we talked, and there’s just some stuff that I’m pretty sure you should know. I just want you to have all the facts on the matter, and not just some of them.

Ben, most of what I want to talk to you about has to do with fossils. The fossil record just does not line up with the theory of evolution, no matter how hard the so-called “scientists” make it try to. (I put scientists in quotations because they are not letting the scientific method lead them where the evidence points. They are basing their conclusion on their hypothesis, not on the evidence and data that is out there, totally visible for everyone to see.)

As you very well know, evolutionists state that fossils took millions of years to form. Well, the evidence does not really support that at all. In fact, it supports just the opposite: a rapid burial of the organisms that were fossilized. The fossils of jellyfish show the fleshy parts of the organism, which indicates the jellyfish must have fossilized before it could decay. Now, how would that have happened over millions of years? You know that the flesh of creatures and plants and etc. decays rapidly. So how do you get the jellyfish fossil?

On top of that, what do you do with fossils that depict one animal swallowing another, or one animal inside a larger one’s stomach? Those most definitely could not have happened over several million years. It must have taken place very rapidly. And what is more, all of the sediments that these fossils were deposited in were sorted out by water.

Now how do evolutionists explain this away? They don’t. They ignore the evidence. So what is the real explanation? What could possibly explain these extraordinary phenomena? About the only thing that makes sense is a massive, worldwide flood… a flood such as the one detailed in Genesis chapters 6-8. As it says in Genesis 7:11-12, 17-23

11 …on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. 12 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights. … 17 For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. 18 The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. 19 They rose greatly on the earth and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. 20 The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet. 21 Every living thing that moved on the earth perished—birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. 22 Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. 23 Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; men and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.”

So you can see that there was a lot of moving and shaking going down all over the earth. And in Genesis 6:24 it says “The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.” Think about how that changed stuff around, and laid down the sedimentary layers, and how the fossils were made so quickly.

I know this might all be a bit to digest dude, but bear with me, and hear me out. You know, I do deserve a hearing, as we were such good friends all the way through school. So hang with me, and please, don’t get all “up in arms” or anything. Just think about this stuff.

The sedimentary layers bit brings me to another point. Have you ever looked at how they are laid out? They’re laid out in parallel layers. Go to the Grand Canyon and check it out. Parallel layers straight across. Now, if these layers had been deposited at a slow rater over many thousands/millions of years, what would an evolutionist expect to see? The answer: uneven layers. He would expect the rivers of the time to have eroded chasms into the rock (which they believed caused the fossils: river deltas) causing uneven layers. But dude, is that what’s out there? No way! I mean think about it, the whole evolutionary side of the discussion does not seem to add up at all!

Hey, by the way, if you have any good answers from the evolutionary side of things to throw back at me, I would love to hear them. So yeah, just right down ideas as you go along. I seriously would like to know where you stand with all of this.

Another good bit of info popped into my mind about sedimentary layers: what about things that are fossilized across several layers? According to evolution, that shouldn’t be possible due to the thousands/millions of years between the depositization of each layer. For instance, check out this old school tree:

You can see the one meter marker dealio, and all the layers that that this fossil tree crosses. Now, how can evolution explain this? It should have rotted off, and only been in one layer, not the whole bunch of layers that it crossed. In addition to that, some of these trees that cross all of these layers are fossilized upside down. This could occur in a large flood. After Mt. St. Helens erupted, scientists discovered trees that were buried in pretty much the same way in Spirit Lake in pretty much the same way that scientists have found them fossilized all over the world.

Seriously man, all of this stuff with the sedimentary layers… I’m not quite sure how it can be refuted! Now if you’ve got anything, be sure to email me back and tell me. I’m serious. Because really, maybe it is just me being stuck in my ways, but I am just not believing the evolutionists on this! I’m thinking that it is the evolutionists that are stuck in their ways! If they cannot see, or choose not to see the compelling evidence in front of them… I don’t know. To me, it is just staggering how so many people can take this stuff and believe it as fact. Ben, I know that you are a really smart guy. Please tell me that you see what I’m seeing!

There is the possibility that you are totally against everything I’m saying to you, and that I’ve offended you with every single word that I have written, even the bits were I was like “I’m trying not to offend you.” Ben, I seriously am not attacking you. I just want you to get an idea that there is another side to the issue, that evolution is hardly a proven fact. Ben, I really do care for you, and I really do hope that this stuff sinks in.

And remember, we seriously have to play some Halo some time very soon! Everyone that I’ve been playing around here has pretty much sucked and not been a challenge at all, so yeah, I want to Halo! And maybe we can discuss evolution while we are slaughtering each other.

So right me back!


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